Year 4

Hello, and a warm welcome to Team Williams!

Mr Sandall is our Year 4 Class Teacher. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Richards. 

Our Topics

I am Warrior (Romans)
Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers
Burps, Bottoms and Bile                           
Cornwall or Corfu?
Traders and Raiders (Anglo Saxons)
Blue Abyss

Maths Overview                                     

The children begin their Key Stage 2 maths journey with a focused topic on Place Value, which supports them in accessing other areas of the curriculum.  The intended progress is listed below, although this may be adapted to focus on identified misconceptions and needs within the class.

  1. Place Value
  2. Addition and Subtraction
  3. Multiplication and Division
  4. Measures – Shape and Area
  5. Fractions
  6. Decimals
  7. Measure – Money/Time
  8. Measure – Area/Perimeter
  9. Geometry – Angles
  10. Geometry – Position Direction
  11. Statistics  
  12. Review of Learning                                                                                         

The children also take weekly mental arithmetic quizzes, called Popcorn Maths, and a weekly times table challenges – they have access to Times Table Rockstars and we encourage this to be played daily.

Science at Perrancoombe River
Adding switches to circuits
Making bread at Forest School


This term our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children are able to come to school in their PE kits on these days. Please ensure all uniform, coats, hats, lunch boxes, drinks bottles, and money purses, etc., are all clearly labelled in order to avoid problems.


Children will be asked to complete spelling, maths and literacy/topic home-learning weekly. This will be set on a Wednesday, to be handed in on (or before) the following Tuesday. I would prefer home-learning to be completed using the Portfolio pages on Class Dojo, which allow video and photograph pieces to be uploaded. However, if this is a problem home-learning books can be provided.


It is important that your child carries out sustained reading at home for at least 10 – 15 minutes each day. It will significantly help their reading progress and access to the Key Stage 2 curriculum.

The children will be given a book based on their scores within the Key Stage Reading Scheme, Accelerated Reader. These will give them a reading zone from which they can choose books and take quizzes to earn points. Their zone will be updated termly, during each assessment week.


See the source image

This fabulous tool is a great way to keep up to date with the learning and upcoming events within Trengrouse Class and the wider school community. Please check ClassDojo for up to date photos, videos and current class information. It is also possible to send messages and communication via ClassDojo.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to catch one of us before 8:40am or after 3:20pm. By working together, we can help support your child as they continue their learning journey through the school. I very much look forward to supporting your children this year.

Mr Sandall